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Who is right? Atlassian’s work from home, or Tesla’s everyone works in the office?

The recent press articles covering Elon Musk and Scott Farquhar’s position on employees working from home versus the office encouraged Geoff Maclean, Head of Employer Branding at Scout Talent, to run a quick online survey asking,  ‘Who would you rather work for, Tesla or Atlassian?’. Read on to see the results.

In a market where there are far more jobs on offer than skilled employees to fill them, attracting the best employees holds the answer. Therefore what do employees want? 

We asked them. Scout Talent Group ran an online survey over the last 24 hours and the results are in. We asked the question:

‘Who would you rather work for, Tesla or Atlassian?’

Survey Results from over 3,000 survey impressions: 50% Tesla. 50% Atlassian.

The case for working in the office: 

There are some employees who prefer the office for underlying psychological reasons like socialisation, role interdependence, ‘face to face’ team work, an increase in innovation and more effective communication being able to see and understand a colleagues body language and manner. Despite the growth and acceptance of online communication platforms like ‘ZOOM’ and ‘Microsoft Teams’, there are still those who will always prefer real life interaction.

The case for working from home:

The opposite case can equally be justified for those individuals who are more effective working at home to be more productive, not so reliant on social engagement, comfortable with online calls, or are deliberately choosing to work in an environment geographically remote from the office.

Scout Talent Group’s CEO, Andrea Davey, comments, ‘Understanding psychological profiling tools like ‘Myers Briggs’ show categorically that everyone is different, it is not right or wrong, good or bad, we are just hard wired differently, work differently and react differently. At the same time we can all contribute positively within an organisational team environment.’

‘I am not at all surprised at these split research results, it is natural. This survey result re-enforces the current popular logic of offering employees a hybrid workplace solution. For example, we are seeing a lot of organisations offer working in the office Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then offering the option of working from home on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays.’ 

Scout Talent Group

Scout Talent offers a comprehensive talent acquisition platform empowering your organisation’s strategic growth. Scout Talent’s best of breed talent acquisition software, is supported by a range of solutions including Employer Branding, Talent Attraction, and Talent Engagement – to help you attract and retain the best talent.

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